If you’re wanting to save more money, you’ll want to think about cutting expenses. You might be wondering how to cut expenses, which expenses to cut, and where to start. In this post I’m going to share tell you the most important things you need to know.
The Beginner’s Guide to Cutting Expenses
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There is a TON of information out there about how to cut expenses. In this beginner’s guide to cutting expenses I want to steer you in the direction of the most important information that you should begin with. For each category below, I’ve linked to articles that will help you learn just what you need to know so you can start cutting expenses now!
Get Motivated!
The best place to start is by getting motivated and setting goals.
These posts explain how to set financial goals and how to decide what your goals should be:
The First Step to Saving More Money
Determine your Financial Priorities
Get Organized: Track & Analyze your Expenses
Use this resources to get organized and set a plan.
Here are all of the printable resources that will help you organize your finances:
The Keep your Money Resource Library
Lower your bills
Bills are an essential expense but that doesn’t mean you can’t lower the cost!
Here are some good places to start lowering your bill:
3 Tips to cut your Electric Bill in Half
The Easiest way to Lower your Phone Bill
Spend Less on Groceries
Of course, we need to eat but that doesn’t mean our food needs to cost a fortune. These posts will help you eat well for less:
5 Tips to Spend Less on Groceries
The Easiest Way to Save Money on Food
Stick to Essential Shopping only
For many of us, shopping is our downfall. Learn how to change your spending ways with these posts:
This one simple change can save you $100 or more every month
And to save quickly…think about a Spending Freeze
A Spending Freeze is the most effective way I know to save money fast. Find out how to master spending freezes here:
No Spend November: Everything you need to know
I hope these resources were helped you with cutting expenses! I’m going to continue to add to this page as I discover new resources, so you should pin it or bookmark it and check back soon!
And don’t forget to subscribe!
Jen Ward says
I love the tip to stick to essential shopping only. I am always amazed at how out of touch I am with trends and shopping in general because I only shop when I have to. That is such a great tip!
Nikki says
Looks like a great list of resources! Motivation has been the main key for me and my husband when it comes to spending less. I hung a bar graph on the wall for our debt and color it as we get closer to our goal. The visual is helpful when we’re tempted to splurge.